+92 52 3561839

Instruments Trays Perforated

Art#: ETC-2552

Item Code Size (mm) Description QTY
SI-2552 150x100x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2553 200x100x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2554 220x120x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2555 240x140x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2556 200x150x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2557 250x200x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2558 300x250x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2559 300x200x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2560 350x250x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2561 400x300x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2562 450x300x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated
SI-2563 450x350x50mm Instruments Trays Perforated

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